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S T R E A M I N G  H Y P N O S I S


( C O M I N G  S O O N )

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H Y P N O S I S  F O R  C R E A T I V E S 

Unlock Hidden Inspiration & Creative Flow

( C O M I N G  S O O N )

Take an interactive journey to give yourself the much-needed advice you needed to hear when you first started your creative journey. Then travel to a place to unlock hidden inspiration and enlighten your creative flow!

H Y P N O S I S  F O R  S U C C E S S  

Shine Up Success Inside & Out

( C O M I N G  S O O N )

People may often only get to see the shiny, sparkly surface of who you are. This track allows you to "shine up" your inside to embrace your outside to feel more confident in the world around you.

Shield from Hate & Negative Comments

( C O M I N G  S O O N )

Take a moment for yourself to envision what it would feel like to be less bothered by hateful and hurtful comments. This journey takes you deep to cultivate a calming, empowering experience to better handle these types of comments and negativity.

H Y P N O S I S  F O R  S E L F  I M P R O V E M E N T 

Colorful Acts of Mindfulness

( C O M I N G  S O O N )

It's important to stay present and mindful during times of stress and uneasiness. Take a gentle journey of a peaceful walk through a colorful flower garden to bring yourself back to calmer moments.

H Y P N O S I S  F O R  T H E  H I G H E R  M I N D

Guidance & Clairity

( C O M I N G  S O O N )

Take a deep, relaxing, fulfilling interactive journey to access a part of yourself that is often hidden just below the surface of your conscious awareness. Learn what insight and clarity this part of you has to help you navigate what you may be experiencing today.

Looking for soothing music to help ease your mind?

Drift into your imagination with dynamic soundscapes 

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